
Black Victory

A blog celebrating the Supremacy of Black Men and Women. This blog celebrates the inevitable Black victory over the inferior White Devil.

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Whether morning, noon, or night, with friends or alone, a Black superior could always expect several slave caucs to serve him when dining. Cauc males, neutered and caged to prevent any risk of reproduction, would produce the foods that powered the BNWO at faraway plantations. The distance would make it so that the white male and female would never see one another, allowing the male to make his reparation without distraction for the rest of his short life. 

Back in society, the female cauc slaves would handle all cooking, cleaning, serving, and entertainment needs. The typical meal service in the BNWO would consist of at least one servant cauc, whose job it was to serve food and clear plates, otherwise standing silently and respectfully in the corner of the room until it was needed. Servant caucs were expected to be seen and not heard. Though sometimes even their sight wasn't appreciated. Opinions varied, but the most passionate Black supremacists sometimes objected to the sight of the white body, its' pasty flesh and pinkish blemishes considered too unsightly to look at when eating. These caucs were sometimes made to leave the room or cover up their otherwise offensive bits. 

The table caucs, however, were far more popular. Proper ettiquette demanded that each Black diner be serviced by at least one table cauc, whose job it was to remain silent and unseen beneath the table as it serviced its' superior. Though silent, Black meals would have the background noise of a steady *glug* *glug* *glug* coming from beneath the table. If one choked, or was servicing too fast or too slow, it wasn't necessary to break the conversation to issue verbal commands. A simple kick to the table cauc told it to speed up and become more aggressive. A simple smack told it to slow down. Table cauc was a coveted role amongst the slave caucs. While most slave caucs were fed unwanted scraps and leftovers, the table caucs were immensely grateful for the Black fluids they got to consume. 

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